To become aware of the living conditions of other human beings, to feel personally concerned and to understand how the world works and the impact of our food on those who create it. Understand the fundamental issues of food systems. To commit, with the means at our disposal, to contribute to a fairer world. All this can be learned and implemented. In everyday life as well as at school.

Through our Education for Sustainable Development programme, we aim to support those in Luxembourg who are involved in international solidarity projects. As far as schools are concerned, the needs of schools are varied and so are our resources. Whether it be classroom activities, teaching tools, digital resources, training or tailor-made support, there are many avenues for discussion.

But that’s not all… For the general public, our development education menu also includes events, exhibitions, documentaries, reports and more.

Our commitment is to inform, raise awareness, encourage the will to act and put it into action.

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