
Who can speak of results achieved better than those taking part in the projects?

From this testimony, discover the various impacts of the programs we conduct in Africa and Latin America. Sometimes, these impacts translate into daily access to a variety of quality foods, increased harvests and incomes, as well as increased confidence and self-esteem, and even a new feeling of empowerment within the families and community.

So many factors that contribute to the dignity that everyone rightly deserves.

Amadou in Burkina Faso

Amadou Niongre is a maize and sorghum producer. He lives in the Gounghin commune in Burkina Faso. Amadou has been attending our training sessions for the past three years. Today, he reports:

“We learned to make compost, save the trees in our fields, to plant others to strenghten the vegetation. Personally, the advice I received helped me a lot. I now produce maize and white sorghum as well as red, which was my only crop before this. The diversification of crops and their protection against severe weather and climate change allowed me to have better crops than I had hoped for to feed my entire family.”

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